Invest in Giżycko

Invest in Giżycko

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Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej Kontakt    



Municipality of Giżycko
Aleja 1 Maja 14, 11-500 Giżycko
Tel.+48 87 732 41 11


Location and transport accessibility

Giżycko is located in North-Eastern part of Poland, in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship, in the heart of Masurian Lake District. The city is conveniently connected with national transport infrastructure. Border with Russia and Lithuania is merely ab. 100 km away. Transport of goods to end customers is most often carried out using road network, but there is also possibility to transport goods via train or intermodal transport – sea ports in Gdynia and Gdańsk lie in a distance of ab. 270 km. International airports are located in Szymany near Szczytno (105 km), Gdańsk (270 km) and Warszawa (250 km).



Main industries in which companies in municipality operate are: services, small manufacturing, production, and tourism.

Strong sides of Giżycko Municipality

  • Natural attractiveness and favourable location of city on the trail of Great Masurian Lakes.
  • City acts as one of main ports of Masurian Lake District.
  • Favourable location merely 100 km from Olsztyn, as well as close to Olsztyn-Mazury airport and railroad passing through city.
  • Rich offer of food and lodging background.
  • Well developed sewage and water network.
  • Powiatowy Szpital Giżycki Sp. z o.o. and military units operate on the territory of city (as valid employers and contractors for local companies).
  • Developing construction sector and increasing number of apartments.
  • Experience in execution of projects with participation of external funding sources (e.g. EU structural funds).

High chance sectors

  • water economy
  • high quality food
  • wood and furniture

Municipality’s investment abilities

According to Mayor of Giżycko’s Decision no. 324/2017 dated 2ndJanuary 2017 on adopting: “Plan to use real estates constituting as a property of Giżycko Municipality for years 2017 – 2019”, Giżycko possesses a free investment space intended in spatial development plans for investment services and terrains. In addition, on the territory of Municipality is valid Resolution No. XLII/29/2014 dated 15thMay 2014 on releases from property tax under de minimis aid. Entrepreneurs can use release from property tax for a period up to 3 years for newly built and expanded buildings intended for running business activity.

Human potential and education

  • Number of unemployed people in Municipality (as of January 2018): 2,013.
  • Unemployment rate in Giżycko Municipality: 10.6 %
  • Average remuneration: 3,446.45 PLN gross

Strong side is the high level of primary and secondary education and lower costs of employment (remuneration) and high level of its supply as an important key element of high investment attractiveness.

Closeness of University of Warmia and Mazury. UWM consists of 17 departments. 14 departments possesses full academic rights, i.e. permissions to grant degrees of doctor habilitatus (in 16 disciplines). Over 20 thousand students learned on those 17 departments in academic year 20016/17 on 74 faculties, including about 19 thousand on full-time programmes, 600 post-graduates, and 1.2 thousand people on post-graduate education.

UWM strictly co-operates with economy by running a base of technological and service offers. This co-operation is co-ordinated by Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer (CITT) that helps effectively use the results of research of University employees for the needs of economy.

 Technical infrastructure

The condition of infrastructure on the territory of Municipality is exceptionally good. Significant part of investment terrains is fully developed.

Institutions supporting investor

Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu 
Warmińsko-Mazurska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna 
Warmińsko Mazurska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego 
Olsztyński Park Naukowo-Technologiczny 
Park Naukowo-Technologiczny w Ełku 
Urząd Pracy Powiatu Giżyckiego

Business environment institutions



Enterprise incubators



Companies providing services for business